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Photos Doha

Doha Skyline

ImageDoha’s skyline is ever changing.  Fifteen years ago there was almost nothing here in this West Bay area of Doha.  Two thirds of these buildings have gone up since I arrived here in 2007.  It’s fascinating to watch a city and country grow the way Doha, Qatar is. I refer to this part of the city as “Mini Manhattan”.  There are so many areas of Doha that are taking shape and creating their own feel.  Souq Waqif, the old market area, has been renewed and made to feel even more historical while the glass and steel highrises in West Bay with their evening light shows bring a different vibrancy to this rapidly changing place I call home.


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Susie Billings


Please feel to browse, explore and comment constructively as this site slowly builds.

This site, like me, is eclectic. It will reflect a broad range of interests and activities.

I have lived on four continents and worked at senior levels across a range of industries.

Since 2007 I have lived in Doha, Qatar, the home of Al Jazeera and the host city for the World Cup Football (Soccer) in 2022.

Hope you find something here of interest!